Geek Talk
Tem GMail e tá preocupado que a sua pequena caixa vai ficar pequena logo?
Sem pobrema. Quem tem GMail agora vai ter DOIS Gigabytes de espaço. (Minha caixa já está anotando 1440 Mb de espaço.) É coisa pacas.
Ni inglêis: ” Storage is an important part of email, but that doesn’t mean you should have to worry about it. To celebrate our one-year birthday, we’re giving everyone one more gigabyte. But why stop the party there? Our plan is to continue growing your storage beyond 2GBs by giving you more space as we are able. We know that email will only become more important in people’s lives, and we want Gmail to keep up with our users and their needs. From Gmail, you can expect more.”
Folha Online – Informática – Google dobra capacidade de armazenamento do Gmail – 01/04/2005